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9 Questions with Mannford Soccer Player Madi Hale – Presented by Rib Crib

VYPE: Madi, what grade are you in and how long have you played soccer? 

Madi: I’m a sophomore, and I have been playing soccer for about 10 years. 

VYPE: What do you enjoy most about playing soccer for MHS? 

Madi: What I like most being able to enjoy the two sports I like most, without any distractions getting in the way. 

VYPE: Tell me about your teammates. What do you love about them?

Madi: The competitiveness we all bring to each other drives us to be better. We all have each other’s back, and we complement each other out on the field. 

VYPE: Do you play for any other teams? 

Madi: Not anymore, but I used to play for Mannford Rec., Indian League and WSA. 

VYPE: What are your plans for the summer? 

Madi: Working on getting my driver’s license, travel to many places, and join a league to help me succeed further on in life. 

VYPE: Favorite memory as a soccer player for MHS? 

Madi: One of my Mannford memories at MHS was making it to state as a freshman. 

VYPE: What are your plans after you graduate? 

Madi: After I graduate, I plan on getting my bachelor’s degree and possibly get into the medical field. 

VYPE: How do you like to spend your free time? 

Madi: What I enjoy doing in mainly shopping. 

VYPE: Thanks for doing this and good luck next season. 

Madi: Thank you.

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